Stephen King: Talks Openly About His Struggle with Bladder Control

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Key Takeaways:

  • Stephen King, the master of horror fiction, suffered from a severe urinary tract infection (UTI) in 1999 that led to ongoing bladder control issues and incontinence.
  • His bravery in candidly discussing his condition has inspired countless individuals to confront their own incontinence struggles and reclaim their quality of life.
  • Through his disclosures, and initiatives such as World Continence Week, we’re breaking through the barriers of shame and stigma associated with this challenging yet manageable condition.


Incontinence is a prevalent yet often overlooked health issue that affects millions of people worldwide without regard for age, gender, or ethnic background. The stigma surrounding bladder control issues often leads to silence and isolation. However, more and more celebrities, sports figures, and authors are bravely sharing their experiences to shed light on an often-taboo topic.

One such individual is Stephen King, the renowned author known for his spine-chilling novels like “The Shining,” “Carrie,” and “It.” Despite his mastery of horror fiction, King’s own battle with incontinence reveals a different kind of fear, one that he has faced with courage and resilience.

Stephen King’s Condition Was Caused by Severe UTI

In 1999, Stephen King faced a terrifying ordeal not from the pages of his novels, but from a severe urinary tract infection (UTI) that led to a prolonged battle with bladder control and nighttime wetting incidents. Despite his literary success and fame, King found himself grappling with a condition that challenged his physical and emotional well-being. Like many individuals who experience incontinence, King initially struggled with feelings of embarrassment and uncertainty about seeking treatment. However, his determination to confront the issue head-on eventually led him to pursue medical intervention.

Breaking the Silence

King’s decision to openly discuss his experience with incontinence is a testament to his courage and advocacy. By sharing his personal struggle, he not only humanizes the condition but also empowers others to seek help and support. King’s willingness to break the silence surrounding incontinence sends a powerful message of solidarity to those who may be suffering in silence, reminding them that they are not alone in their journey.

Incontinence Treatment and Management

King’s UTI symptoms improved after receiving medical treatment, which most likely included a round of systemic antibiotics. And post-treatment Stephen remains vigilant, keeping incontinence products on hand as a precaution. This pragmatic approach to managing his condition reflects King’s positive outlook on life and serves as a reminder of the importance of proactive self-care.

Here are some tried-and-true management strategies to use after medical treatments:

  1. Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises (Kegel exercises): Kegel exercises for men and Kegel exercises for women strengthen the muscles that control bladder function. These exercises can help improve bladder control and reduce episodes of urinary leakage.
  2. Bladder Training: With this behavioral therapy you increase the interval between urination and gradually retrain the bladder to hold urine for longer periods. This technique can help improve bladder capacity and reduce the frequency of urinary urgency and leakage.
  3. Dietary and Fluid Management: With this behavioral therapy you adjust your diet and fluid intake to minimize bladder irritants and reduce the risk of urinary leakage. It includes avoiding caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, and acidic beverages that can exacerbate bladder symptoms.
  4. Prescription Medications: Compounds that include anticholinergics or beta-3 agonists are designed to relax the bladder muscles and reduce urinary urgency and frequency.
  5. Absorbent Products: Adult diapers or incontinence underwear can provide a sense of security and protection in case of unexpected leakage episodes.

Advancements in Treatment

In recent years, advancements in medical treatments have provided new hope for individuals who want to regain control over their bladder function and improve their quality of life.

Here are some of the new treatments to consider:

  1. Minimally Invasive Procedures: Innovative surgical procedures, like sacral nerve stimulation and percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS), offer effective treatment options for overactive bladder and urge incontinence. These procedures involve stimulating nerves that control bladder function to improve symptoms.
  2. Injectable Therapies: Injectable treatments like Botox provide long-lasting relief for individuals with overactive bladder who have not responded to conservative treatments. Botox injections help relax the bladder muscle, reducing urinary urgency and leakage.
  3. Advanced Medications: Newer medications like Myrbetriq offer alternative treatment options for individuals with overactive bladder. Unlike traditional anticholinergic medications, mirabegron relaxes the bladder muscle with fewer side effects.
  4. Regenerative Therapies: Emerging regenerative therapies, such as stem cell therapy or tissue engineering, hold promise for repairing damaged bladder tissue and restoring normal bladder function in individuals with urinary incontinence due to structural abnormalities or injury.

These advanced treatments offer renewed optimism for individuals living with urinary incontinence, providing a wider range of options for managing symptoms and improving quality of life. While Stephen King’s experience predates some of these innovations, his journey underscores the importance of seeking comprehensive care and exploring all available treatment avenues.

Celebrities Leading the Way

As a prominent figure in the literary world, Stephen King’s openness about his struggle with incontinence contributes to a larger movement of destigmatization and awareness. By sharing his story, he joins the ranks of other celebrities like Katy Perry, Tony Romo, and Kate Winslet who have bravely spoken out about their own experiences, sparking important conversations, and fostering acceptance and understanding.


Stephen King’s journey with incontinence serves as a reminder that no one is immune to health challenges, regardless of their status or success. Through his courage and advocacy, King has shed light on incontinence and inspired others to confront their own struggles with strength and resilience.


  1. American Urological Association. (2022). Urinary Incontinence.
  2. Mayo Clinic. (2022). Overactive Bladder.
  3. National Association for Continence. (2022). About Incontinence.
  4. Abrams, P. et al. (2022). Diagnosis and treatment of overactive bladder (non-neurogenic) in adults: AUA/SUFU guideline amendment. The Journal of Urology, 208(4), 871-878.
  5. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2022). Bladder Control Problems (Urinary Incontinence).
  6. Lucas, M. G. et al. (2022). EAU guidelines on surgical treatment of urinary incontinence. European Urology, 73(4), 595-609.


  • Phyllis Brown

    Phyllis has devoted much of her career to solving the physical and emotional issues related to incontinence, including the launch of a cutting-edge overactive bladder (OAB) medication with minimal side effects at a major pharma company. As well as product development for coping strategies like waterproof mattress protectors. She understands the immense negative impact this condition can have on people and their pets. And she’s determined to help improve their lives with up-to-date information on what works and what’s just hype.

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