What’s the Best Source of Proanthocyanidins for My Dog?

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Key Takeaways:

  • Cranberry supplements contain Type-A Proanthocyanidins (A-PACs), which is recognized as the most effective form of PAC for canine urinary tract health.
  • It helps prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) and it supports bladder control, so your dog has fewer wetting accidents.
  • Choose a cranberry supplement with a canine formula created especially for dogs, because human cranberry products contain sugars and additives that can be toxic to your pets.
  • Correct dosage is based on the size of your dog and the concentration of PACs in the supplement.
  • Scroll down for our top canine cranberry supplement recommendations.

Type-A Proanthocyanidins (A-PACs)

PACs are members of the polyphenol family, and they’re closely related to flavonoids with all the same health benefits. Nutritionists say they are one of the few compounds with both offensive and defensive characteristics. They go on offense by acting as antibacterial agents and antioxidants. And they go on defense by protecting the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In addition, medical research suggests they are anti-inflammatory and could even prevent cancer.  

Foods high in PACs are recognizable for their bright blue, red, and purple colors. Cranberries and blueberries are two primary examples of foods high in PACs. And red grapes contain a similar polyphenol that’s a cousin to PACs.  

Cranberries contain a special type of PAC called Type-A Proanthocyanidins, which is known to be an outstanding compound for improving urinary tract health.

Understanding Canine Bladder Health

Bladder health is a crucial aspect of your dog’s overall well-being. A healthy bladder functions to store urine and eliminate it effectively when your dog goes to the bathroom. However, when something goes wrong, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI), it can cause discomfort and health issues for your furry friend.

What Is Canine UTI

A UTI occurs when bacteria invade the urinary tract, which includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. This can lead to inflammation, pain, and trouble urinating. UTIs are more common in female dogs but can affect males as well.

How Does UTI Affect Your Dog’s Bladder Control

UTIs can lead to increased frequency of urination, accidents in the house, and even blood in the urine. Some dogs may also lick their urinary openings excessively due to discomfort. Recognizing these signs early can help prevent more serious complications such as kidney infections or bladder stones.

Understanding Cranberries and UTI Prevention

Cranberries have long been touted for their role in preventing UTIs in humans, and they can offer similar benefits for dogs. They contain compounds that can help prevent bacteria from adhering to the lining of the urinary tract, thereby reducing the likelihood of infection.

Active Compounds in Cranberries

The primary active compounds in cranberries are proanthocyanidins (PACs). PACs can inhibit the adhesion of bacteria, particularly E. coli, to the urinary tract walls. This is vital because it means that the bacteria can be flushed out of the system before an infection takes hold.

Additional Ingredients in Doggie Bladder Control Supplements

Many cranberry supplements for dogs also include other ingredients that support bladder health, such as:

  • D-Mannose: A sugar that helps prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls.

  • Marshmallow Root: An herb with anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe the urinary tract.

  • Vitamin C: An antioxidant that can boost the immune system and acidify the urine, making it less conducive to bacterial growth.

Canine Cranberry Supplements vs. People Cranberry Juice

Don’t be tempted to give your dog cranberry juice from the grocery store. Cranberry juice and human cranberry supplements are often loaded with sugars and other additives that can be harmful to dogs. Instead, choose a cranberry supplement made specifically for canine consumption. One that’s formulated by a veterinarian to support your dog’s health without the unnecessary extras that could be toxic to your pet.

Top Bladder Supplements for Dogs

Zesty Paws Cranberry Bladder Bites™ – Amazon Best Seller

One of our favorite dog supplements is Zesty Paws Cranberry Bladder Bites™. It’s packed with cranberry extract, plus D-Mannose, Marshmallow (whole), organic Astragalus Root, and Nettle Root. These chews are formulated to flush out toxins, support the immune system, and maintain proper kidney function. The chewable bites are a chicken flavor, so you won’t have trouble getting your dog to take their medicine.

Nutri-Vet Bladder Control Chewable Tablets – Formulated by a Veterinarian

Another favorite supplement is Nutri-Vet Bladder Control Chewable Tablets. These veterinarian-formulated chews are a synergistic blend of cranberry extract, soy protein, and other natural ingredients designed to support bladder health and reduce incontinence in spayed and senior dogs.

Cranberry Supplements Dosage

Getting the dosage right is crucial when it comes to cranberry supplements for your dog. Too little may not provide the desired benefits, while too much could potentially lead to gastrointestinal upset. Always follow the dosing instructions provided by the supplement manufacturer, as each product will have a different concentration of active ingredients. And when in doubt contact your vet.

Dosing Guidelines for Different Dog Sizes

The correct dosage of cranberry supplements will vary based on your dog’s size. For example, small dogs may only require a fraction of the dose you’d give to a large dog. Manufacturers typically provide a dosing chart that considers the dog’s weight, making it easier to determine the right amount.

Incorporating Supplements into Your Dog’s Diet

Introducing any new supplement into your dog’s diet should be done gradually. This allows you to monitor your dog for any adverse reactions, such as an upset stomach or allergies. Mix the supplement with their regular food or give it as a treat if they enjoy the taste. Consistency is key, so try to give the supplement at the same time each day.

When to See Your Vet

UTIs can be painful and lead to more severe health issues if left untreated. While cranberry supplements can be a helpful preventive measure against UTIs, they’re not a cure-all.

Talk to your vet right away if you see any of these symptoms:

  • Straining to urinate or crying out in pain while urinating

  • Increased frequency of urination

  • Accidents in the house from a previously house-trained dog

  • Bloody or cloudy urine

  • Excessive licking of the genital area

  • Lethargy

  • Vomiting

  • Severe back pain, which may indicate a kidney infection

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Will cranberry supplements stop my dog’s bedwetting?

While cranberry supplements can aid in preventing UTIs, which may be a cause of bedwetting, they are not a guaranteed solution for all bedwetting issues. If your dog is experiencing incontinence, it’s important to consult your vet to determine the underlying cause.

2. Will cranberry supplements cure my dog’s UTI?

Cranberry supplements are more about prevention than cure. If your dog has a UTI, they’ll likely need antibiotics prescribed by a vet. Cranberry can help prevent the recurrence of UTIs but should not replace medical treatment.

3. Are bladder control supplements with cranberry safe for all dogs? Can they cause kidney issues?

Bladder control supplements with cranberry are generally safe for most dogs when used as directed. However, if your dog has a history of kidney stones or other kidney issues, consult your vet before starting any new supplements.

4. Can I give my dog bottled cranberry juice for people and get the same benefit as a supplement?

Bottled cranberry juice for humans often contains added sugars and other ingredients that are not suitable for dogs. It’s best to use supplements formulated specifically for dogs, as they contain the appropriate dosage and concentration of active ingredients.

5. How long does it take for dog bladder control supplements to work?

The time it takes for bladder control supplements to work can vary. Some dogs may show improvement in a matter of days, while for others, it might take a few weeks. Consistency is crucial, so make sure to administer the supplement regularly and give it some time to see results.


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  • Phyllis Brown

    Phyllis has devoted much of her career to solving the physical and emotional issues related to incontinence, including the launch of a cutting-edge overactive bladder (OAB) medication with minimal side effects at a major pharma company. As well as product development for coping strategies like waterproof mattress protectors. She understands the immense negative impact this condition can have on people and their pets. And she’s determined to help improve their lives with up-to-date information on what works and what’s just hype.

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